Lipoma Treatment In Hyderabad

Lipoma Removal:Achieve Smooth, Bump-Free Skin

Stands as a premier clinic in Hyderabad, renowned for its expertise in cosmetic surgery,  plastic surgery, dermatology, and advanced hair transplants. Among our specialized services, lipoma removal in Hyderabad is a widely sought-after treatment option. Our clinic is distinguished by its warm, compassionate patient care, ensuring every individual receives personalized attention and respect. At Sculpt Cosmetic Surgery & Hair Transplant Center , our team of dedicated doctors and surgeons is committed to delivering natural-looking results within a safe medical environment. We offer a comprehensive range of both non-surgical and surgical treatment options. However, our strength lies in guiding you towards the best course of action following a thorough assessment of your needs and preferences. Whether you seek expert skincare advice, laser skin resurfacing, facial injectables, or a surgical procedure, we are here to assist you every step of the way.

Understanding Lipoma: What You Need to Know

A lipoma is a benign tissue mass that develops beneath the skin, typically appearing round or oval in shape. Comprised of fat, lipomas are often painless and can occur anywhere on the body, with common sites including the arms, back, torso, shoulders, and neck. While lipomas are generally harmless and may not require treatment, individuals experiencing discomfort or pain due to lipomas can seek expert care at Sculpt Cosmetic for lipoma removal in Hyderabad.

Causes and Symptoms of Lipoma


  • The exact cause of lipoma growth remains unknown, although they are more common in individuals in their thirties and forties and tend to run in families.
  •  Lipomas may develop following an injury, though the correlation is not definitively established.

  • Lipomas are typically painless, though they can cause discomfort if they press against nerves or near joints.
  •   Many individuals may be unaware of their lipomas, which can occur as multiple lumps beneath the skin.
  •  Lipomas are encapsulated and do not spread to surrounding tissues.
  •  These fatty tissue lumps are often soft, round, and mobile, located just beneath the skin’s surface.

Lipoma Removal Procedures :

Before commencing treatment, our doctor will conduct a comprehensive evaluation, including a review of your medical history and a physical examination, to recommend the most suitable lipoma removal option based on your unique circumstances.

Surgical Removal:
A lipoma can be surgically excised through a small incision in the skin, allowing for the removal of the mass. Typically performed under local anesthesia, this outpatient procedure enables patients to return home the same day. For larger lipomas, a more extensive incision may be necessary for complete removal.

Certain lipomas can be eliminated using liposuction, wherein a thin, hollow tube is inserted through a small incision into the lump to suction out fat cells. Following surgery, the lipoma material is sent for analysis, and patients can expect minimal scarring once the wound has healed.

Facelift Surgery in Hyderabad

Common Questions

Can lipomas turn cancerous?

Lipomas are benign and do not pose a cancer risk at any point.

Lipoma removal surgery may be recommended if the lipoma causes discomfort or pain. Side effects are minimal, and recovery typically involves minimal scarring and short downtime.

While there is no direct correlation between obesity and lipoma development, individuals of any body type can develop lipomas.

Still need help ?
For compassionate care and expert lipoma removal treatment in Hyderabad, trust Sculpt Cosmetic Surgery & Hair Transplant Center Hyderabad, to deliver exceptional results tailored to your needs.

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